燕市から米国への親善大使の座も目指す初めての燕市英語スピーチコンテスト、最優秀賞は母がおいらん役だった燕中等教育学校3年生に (2013.12.21)


燕市が平成25年度の重点事業として英語教育を推進する「Jack & Bettyプロジェクト」のメーン、英語教室「Jack & Betty教室」が終わり、21日、燕市文化会館でその修了式にあわせて燕市英語スピーチコンテストが行われた。


「Jack & Betty教室」は小学校5年生から中学生を対象に5月から21回開いた。小学生131人、中学生49人の179人が参加し、指導主事と日本人英語指導助手、ALTを講師に実践的な英語を学んだ。

一方で燕市英語スピーチコンテストは、その締めくくりともなるもの。「燕市と私」をテーマにした自作の内容を制限時間4分でスピーチするもの。20数人が参加して先に行った予選会を通過した小学生5人と中学生13人の18人がこの日の本選に参加した。コンテストでの成績優秀者で希望する児童生徒は「Jack & Bettyプロジェクト海外派遣事業」の親善大使として1月下旬から米国へ海外派遣するという、大きなほうびもついている。

「Jack & Betty教室」の修了式で小学生と中学生の代表者に修了証を贈呈
「Jack & Betty教室」の修了式で小学生と中学生の代表者に修了証を贈呈

18人は順にスピーチを行い、新潟大学教育学部の加藤茂夫教授を審査委員長に燕市国際交流協会の山崎悦次会長、ツインバード工業の笠原裕二総務部長、胎内市ALTのGary Smithさんの4人の審査員が審査し、最優秀賞1人と優秀賞7人を決めた。審査の間にJack & Betty教室の修了式を行い、それからコンテストの表彰式を行った。



スピーチのタイトルは「The pride of Tsubame」。おいらん道中、燕の祭り、国上山、信濃川など燕市の魅力を紹介し、外国の人たちに燕市の良さを知ってほしいとつづった。母はおいらん道中のおいらん役を務めたことがあり、母のように素敵なおいらんを演じるのが夢ともあった。



【優秀賞】▲落合遙香(燕中等2年)「We are friends. We areTsubameshi.」▲堀朋実(吉田中2年)「Pride of Tsubame」▲佐藤里佳子(燕中等3年)「Dream and pride」▲中山友梨子(燕中2年)「I love Tsubame.」▲小林峻也(吉田中2年)「What I learned from table tennis」▲岡田祐可子(燕中等3年)「What I learn in Tsubame City」▲高桑美帆(燕中2年)「My dream and Tsubame's Industry」


The pride of Tsubame

Hello, everyone. My name is Suzuka Kawakami. I’m a student of Tsubame secondary educational school. I’m going to talk about the pride of Tsubame.

First Tsubame city is surrounded by nature. For example, there are cherry blossoms, mountains and rivers. In April, thousands of cherry blossoms bloom and Tsubame city is smothered in pink color. The sight is so beautiful and moving. We hold a parade called “Oiran” under the cherry blossoms every year. It is a tradition from the Edo period. Four courtesans and many other woman walk in Kimonos along “Okozubunsui”. Many people visit the countryside every year because it brings them good fortune. The woman perform their walking with a giant pride borne from a long history. I have seen this parade many times, and it becomes more beautiful with every passing year. My mother has performed as “Oiran” before. She is proud of the experience. So my dream is to perform as “Oiran” as well as her in the future.

Secondly there is a summer festival It is crowded, but we can see many smiles. Beautiful fireworks color the night sky during the festival. Many people say, “Wow, so beautiful !” they are delighted. Their bright smiles are part of Tsubame city is pride aren’t they ?.

Third I’ll talk about Mt.Kugami, which is known as a symbol of Tsubame. Mt.Kugami is fresh greenery in spring and colored leaves in autumn fascinate people. When it is sunny, this mountain is crowded people. Mt.Kugami is also famous for being saint Ryokan’s hometown. He lived in “Gogoan” and he loved nature, people, and children. He sometimes even loved a thief. He had a beautiful heart. I think that the people in Japan and especially in Tsubame, are proud of Ryokan. I also respect him.

Fourth Tsubame city has a river that many Japanese people are proud of. That’s the “Shinano River”. It is the longest river in Japan. Many years ago, the river often caused floods. The biggest flood called “Yokotagire” was a serious damage to Tsubame. But people didn’t give up. Now, “the Echigo plain” is protected by a moveable weir. I like to stand on the backs of Shinano River, and watch the river and cherry blossoms.

I think that I will protect this beautiful city forever. Because there are many things to be proud of here. I think we have to learn more about Tsubame and make use of it to the future. I hope to study English at university in Tokyo in the future. I want to use English in my future job. But I really want foreign people to know about the good points of Tsubame. A swallow is said “to bright happiness” that why Tsubame city is full of love. I’m proud of my hometown, Tsubame. I will love Tsubame city forever. Thank you for listening.

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